Monday, June 9, 2008


1. 5 things found in my bag

  • Metro card

  • Crossword membership card

  • Pen

  • Deodrant

  • Air

2. 5 favourite things in my room

  • Bed

  • Desk

  • Lots and lots of books

  • Mobile

  • Computer

3. 5 things I have always wanted to do

  • Buy an island

  • Sleep

  • Go on vacation with my best friends

  • Climb a Mt. Everest (Everybody wants to do that, I guess)

  • Never give in to my parents (I do that once in a while...)

4. 5 things I am currently into

  • Music

  • Blogging

  • Astronomy

  • Trying to keep my patience with the relatives in my house

  • Finishing all my unfinished stories

5. 5 people I choose to further torment

  • Aanchal

  • Prerna

  • Abhi

  • Miriam

  • Disha


Vasudha said...

:o I was gonna do this tag next! And twas supposed to be the third one too!

And er.. you don't sleep? :/

Astronomy, oh great. There are these great videos I must send you then. :D String theory, anyone?

Oh, and you're tagged. Make way for number four then. :D

Vasudha said...

Okay, so you've already done it. Screw me. :|

Radhika Saxena said...

This one was cute! aww! I mean air??!! LOL! :P

kika said...

@ vas : send me the videos...I'd like to see...and ruin my eyes further...
Screw you for what???
Everybody makes mistakes...
Everybody has those days
Everybody knows what, what I'm talking about
everybody gets that way...

I don't know if you got it but its this sick songs by Hannah Montana

@ radhika : thanx!!!

¶ЯёŖηΛ said...

1.What do you do with Crossqord Membership Card in your bag?:s


3.You liar!The computer's not in your room!:/

4.You're the first person I know who wants to climb Mount Everest.:|
Why would anyone want to do that.:/

5.Huh?Astronomy?Since when?

6.And Ily for giving me something to post!Yay!:D

kika said...

@ prerna :
1. Because everytime I go out, its usually to those boooring malls...and someone buys something or the other from

3. Of course the comp's in my room...after the LCD, everything changed.....Now only the LCD is in mama papa's room, the cops in mine and the Big tv is in the dining roomm

Dont feel like replying to the others...not feeling witty enough

Radhika Saxena said...

jeez prerna..I want to climb Mt. Everest too!

kika said...

see, Prerhu???
I told you...I'm not weird, you are!!!
Thanks Radhika!!!
Also, do me a favour...
Call Prerna Prerhu because she pointed out to me yesterday that she gets highly help me becoming the *beep*

Tushar Mangl said...

Ok,first of all, i never read tags, of people unknown..
But i saw the phrase,,,crossword membership card...
You enjoy reading????